Wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park when Nate was just 10 years old. Young Nate now had a goal; see this mysterious animal in the wild. It would take four tours to Yellowstone National Park before Nate achieved this, but upon seeing wolves in the wild, he was inspired to learn as much as he could about the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and the wildlife that inhabited it. Wildlife has long been the subject of Nate’s fascination. He is a professional wildlife artist and takes his inspiration from the natural world that he explores from his home in Montana. His realistic and colorful work is shown in art galleries in Montana and the northwest. His art has also been featured in the National Museum of Wildlife Art, in Jackson, Wyoming.
Nate has been guiding since 2020.
- BFA | Washington State University
- Level III Wildlife Track & Sign | CyberTracker
- Outdoor Guide Certification | University of Wyoming
- Leave No Trace Certification
- Wilderness First Aid & CPR
- Avalanche Awareness Certification
- ServSafe Food Handling Certification
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Nate's Favorite Safari Tours
Nate moved to Montana over a decade ago after graduating from Washington State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. His lifelong passion for wildlife and Yellowstone has only increased during that time. With an artistic background he brings a sharp eye for both spotting wildlife and noticing the unique beauty of this spectacular place. He loves to get in as many trail miles as possible each year and to share his passion for this incredible ecosystem. Whether it’s watching wildlife, hiking, or just exploring, Nate’s tours are always full of interesting sights, and his passion for them is infectious.
Nate’s fascination with Yellowstone started when he was 10 years old and wolves were reintroduced to the Park. The idea of this mysterious animal being brought back to its former home made him long to see one, and after four years of annual trips, he finally did. Viewing them in the wild for the first time inspired him to learn as much as he could about not just the wolves themselves but the ecosystem and other wildlife that inhabited it.
After deciding to major in Fine Art at college, wildlife immediately became the main subject matter of Nate’s art. Interpreting the aesthetic and spiritual power of our wild neighbors became his primary focus, and to this day he enjoys representing as many species as possible. Combining a realistic and colorful style, Nate’s art has been featured in the National Museum of Wildlife Art, as well as several art galleries in Montana and the Northwest. He takes his inspiration from the countless amazing sights that can be witnessed in Yellowstone. After spending twelve years in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and over 300 trips to the Park, Nate decided to apply his personal knowledge to guiding. It has been a lifelong dream of his to work in Yellowstone, and sharing its wonders with others has always been a passion of his. To be able to show people and instill an interest in protecting our wild places has been of utmost importance to him. Taking his unique artistic perspective of the sights Yellowstone has to offer and applying it to his guided tours has created an experience both Nate and his guests never forget.
Nate was the consummate guide. His knowledge of the parks, wildlife trends, tendencies and habits, contacts with other guides for the latest sighting info and knowledge of "lesser known" but excellent viewing locations was invaluable. And with an artist's eye he suggested locations and times to do great viewing and photographing points for wildlife, landscapes, sunrise and sunset views.