For me personally, there are few better ways to spend my money than traveling, and throughout my travels I’ve learned that hiring a local expert adds an invaluable enhancement to my experience. From the savannas of Serengeti National Park, to the mountains and valleys of Yellowstone National Park, there is a proud heritage of wildlife safari guides who eagerly offer their knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm to those looking for the ultimate wildland adventure.

Guided Tours Offer the Best Opportunities to Spot Wildlife
Most wildlife guides fancy themselves as explorers, wanderers, and excursionists with a certain level of independent-mindedness inherent to who they are. As a professional guide, I understand the appeal of venturing out on your own, but I also fully recognize that there are few better ways to maximize your time and success in a vast wilderness than by hiring a guide familiar with the landscape. Here at Yellowstone Safari Co., we want to provide as much education, information, and insight as we can to ensure that your visit to Yellowstone National Park is unforgettable. Whether it’s our spotting scopes giving you a view of wolves on the hunt, or our catered lunches fueling your hike into the backcountry, our goal is to provide a level of professionalism that is simply unmatched. And while each of our safaris is a private excursion for our guests, our Yellowstone National Park guides are an integral part of a network of wildlife-watchers that help bolster our success at finding you your most sought-after sights.

Guided Wildlife Safaris & Tours
Yellowstone Safari Company offers single-day and multi-day adventures through the National Park during all four seasons, and even if you’re wanting to do some exploring on your own, utilizing our guiding services early on in your trip will help give you valuable insight as to where to go and what to do next. If you have a week here in the Yellowstone Region, there are likely sites that you can enjoy on your own after your guided tour. For example, Old Faithful is reliable both in it’s eruption schedule, and in its location. If you’re here for a shorter amount of time, you can still make arrangements for a single day in the National Park. Our tours run summer and winter, so there’s options for any season.
For general sightseeing, including volcanic features and wildlife tours featuring bears, we recommend planning your arrival for the summer months of May – October. The shoulder seasons of spring and fall are enjoyable for fewer crowds, wonderful wildlife behavior and fantastic Rocky Mountain weather. Grizzly bears and black bears are a highlight of the summer months, but there are a number of species we search for while out on safari.
During the winter months from November – April, Yellowstone National Park is mostly snowbound, with most of the 300 miles of park roads closed to vehicle travel. The majority of the interior is accessible only by over-snow vehicle. In the northeast reaches of the park, one road remains open to vehicles. This is the road that allows us passage through the incredible northern range, and winter is the perfect time to see Yellowstone’s wolves here in the wild.
Ecotourism is a powerful force in protecting and preserving our wildlife and wild spaces around the globe, and by patronizing local, professional operators, you help send a strong message to policy makers that our National Parks and Public Lands are critically important to the ecological and economic health of our country.

Yellowstone Safari Co. has made a commitment to conservation and sustainability and your patronage helps us amplify our message of preservation of wildlife and wild spaces for the enjoyment of all.
Ecotourism and sustainability often go hand in hand. Traditional ecotours focus on minimizing the impact on wildlife, wild spaces and local communities while you travel. For our business model, practicing Leave No Trace ethics as we move through the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem means that each of our wildlife safaris are designated as sustainable ecotours.
In addition to the expertise, experience, gear, gadgets, and guidance that we offer our clients, we also aim to generate a new generation of conservation-minded adventurers who venture on from the Greater Yellowstone Area. We hope that the knowledge you gain on your Yellowstone safari will help motivate you to better understand and appreciate the wild spaces back home, and across the planet. Whether it’s bird-watching in New York City, or wolf-watching in Yellowstone National Park, we share the landscape with a marvelous assortment of creatures and critters, and we can’t wait to help introduce you to them!